One family...
Seemingly enjoying their time, having fun in the sea...Probably not worrying about times to come...
One family...
Seemingly involved in some deep discussion...
Probably discussing about times to come...
One family...
Seemingly carrying out rituals after the passing of a member...
Probably mourning the loss & reflecting on the times gone by....
One onlooker...
Seemingly hopeful, with a camera in his hand, looking at all of them....
Probably pondering if he can capture this moment for any of them, in order to put food on his family's plate...
Each family, probably going through different phases of their existence. Each of the 9 individuals, further going through separate phases each, much like how each unit within an organization, each team within a unit and each member within a team might be going through their own wide spectrum of highs/plateaus/lows at various points in time. Each will pass through every phase time and again, when and how long, is the unknown variable. The ability to gauge who is going through what, probably being the secret sauce that everyone would like to lay their hands on...